Saturday, 31 December 2011

Diamond the king of stones

Diamond comes in many crystalline forms and its colours range from colourless, white, black, pink, yellow, red, orange, green, blue and brown. The king of the crystals as it is known, representing the sun. In times gone by the diamond represented power but only if the stone was freely given, allowing love and harmony to surround us.

It is known as the stone of innocence bringing purity, constancy and a loving and open nature into the physical realm. It can be used to work with on aura's filling the emptiness with pure loving energy as well as activating the crown chakra to interact between intellect and higher knowledge.

Medical applications: Counteract poisoning, to stimulate sight and metabolic balancing.

Works well with astrological signs of Aries, Leo and Taurus.

Friday, 30 December 2011

The Big Book of Angels

This intriguing book introduces us to the world of angels, angelic encounters, and examples of angel communication.

There are some wonderful examples from different periods in history, with stunning illustrations all the way through this book.

Printed in Australia by Hinkler Books Ltd.

Available to buy on Amazon

Thursday, 29 December 2011

All The Lonely People

Christmas for most of us is a special time which we look forward too each year. But for some it’s a time to despair and one of the loneliest times of year. I receive more requests for readings and healing than at any other time of year. It makes you wonder what kind of society we live in that isolates so many of us in this overpopulated planet.

Perhaps we need to be more aware of those around us take a step back in time when we knew our neighbours, because we were part of a community a community who cared. All I ask for next xmas is some old fashioned community spirit before we all become to self absorbed in our own lives and learn not to look the other way.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Happy christmas from Spirit Healing

 The joy that brings that xmas spirit invokes a childlike cheer
An invitation to enjoy this sacred time of year
I wish everyone a happy xmas from Spirit Healing

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Citrine the Yin - Yang of stones

Citrine is quartz crystal, its colour varies from a yellow to a deep golden brown. It is one of the rarer types of stone that does not hold on to negative energy and does not need to be cleansed. This mineral will align yin-yang energy as well as your chakras. It energizes the solar plexus and highlights your base chakra, therefore dispensing any level of fear leaving you in a constant happy frame of mind. This stone is good for aligning your aura and auric body; it can stabilize emotions helping you see the wood for the trees.

Medical applications: It is used for digestive disorders and blood circulation, has been used as well for degenerative disorders and to diminish growths.

Works well with astrological signs of Gemini, Aries, Libra and Leo.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Healing through our past lives

Same Soul, Many Bodies by Dr Brian Weiss the author of Many Lives, Many Masters gives an in depth study of reincarnation. Which embraces the author’s journey into past lives and past life regression through his experiences as a psychiatrist in Miami, Florida.

Using past histories Dr Weiss demonstrates the benefits of progression therapy bringing inner peace and healing through our past lives to our present life.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

New services for spirit healing

It is always difficult to find a balance as a healer to charge money for spiritual healing services that I provide.
Knowing that so many people who are in need of help but who are not in a position to afford these services due too personnel circumstances.

I would now like to offer those of you who need spiritual healing a donation only service by absent healing, also known as distance healing. All I ask is that you send me a picture of yourself by email and the reasons for your healing session. So that I have a clear image to work with when healing is sent to you.

All donations will be gratefully received regardless of the amount.
Please note that absent healing is just as effective as any other form of healing and can be arranged at a time that is convenient for you.

The best time would be when there are as little distractions as possible and you can relax without being disturbed, so that I can work with spirit to ensure the best possible results.

Please contact me at: annaspirithealing@ and I will contact you within 24 hours. For your donation please use the PayPal button and choose option "Donation". Thank you!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Bloodstone, the stone of courage

Bloodstone is a type of quartz, its colour is green with flecks of red, however if the stone is small you will not be able to see the red flecks.  This stone is known as the healing stone and the stone of courage, this stone vibrates well with your base, sacral and heart chakra. Changing our own energy fields and helping us to adapt to this level of change.

What the bloodstone represents is renewal of the physical, mental and emotional, with the revitalization of love, friendships and relationships. It has also been used to enter the spirit world through medium ship in past and present times.

Medical applications: can be used for treatment of the spleen, purification of blood, kidneys, liver and intestines. Neutralizing toxins, lung congestion, rashes and in the treatment of leukemia.

Works well with astrological signs of Aries, Pisces and Libra.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Breath of life

Life energy has many names from many cultures, Chi, Spirit and Prana, but what does it do? Life energy is about bringing true healing from within. When we go to the doctors we are prescribed drugs that will relieve the symptoms of the disorder but it does not cure us, because the reason for being ill is still present. Any true cure involves changes to one’s lifestyle and to how we perceive ourselves, in other words the physical and

Each breath we take is life energy which in turn enters our bodies through meridians energizing major organs and tissues. Any imbalance to the flow of energy will lead to ill health. The Hebrew term “Ruah” comes from “Ruh” meaning to breath (air in motion) the power of manifestation, or energy.

Shakespeare wrote: "O spirit of love, the spirit which heals", when we are healthy we are full of energy, spirit and love. I truly believe that if we treat ourselves holistically, that we will become whole again and live our lives as they were meant to be.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Amethyst the stone of spirituality

Amethyst is a Quartz crystal and varies from a deep purple to pale lavender. This stone represents spirituality and helps us transform our energies into higher frequencies. It is also a stone that balances the intellectual and emotional state of our physical bodies creating a bridge between the physical and spiritual world.

As a balancing stone it helps us to become stable and strong bringing in a deep level of inner peace, but is also a great stone to ward off any psychic attacks transforming negative energy into positive energy.

Medical applications: can be used to strengthen the skeletal structure, the nervous system and endocrine glands. As well as disorders of the digestive system, heart, stomach skin and teeth.

Works well with astrological signs of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Where has Christmas gone

With Christmas just around the corner do we ever consider what we would truly wish for Christmas? The media hound us with messages telling us to buy, buy, and buy. But all this fills is others pockets and leaves us with a bitter taste in our mouth when the credit card bill comes round again. Have we been so seduced by advertising that we have forgotten that simple things in life are always the best?

Christmas is the festive season of goodwill to all, a time when we decorate the tree creating a little magic within each home a time of wonder and grandeur however humble. Christmas dinner with friends and family, enjoying sharing a feast of food and each other’s company, a time of good cheer.

It's time to cut the strings that pull us further from the things that matter in life and see the reality of how our lives have become and say what more do we need at this spiritual time of celebration than each other.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Possessed a true life story

In my early years of working with spirit I had my one and only experience of encountering a man who was possessed. I have to state that in all my years of working with spirit this has only happened once, and never since. I was living in Southampton in the early 1990's and my daughter had been invited to a birthday party by the local minister and his wife. Of course I had met them from time to time at the school and was aware that something wasn't quite right with the family, who never looked well and seemed somehow out of sorts.

On the day of the party I couldn't shake the feeling that I should stay with my daughter at the party instead of dropping her off. When we arrived at the house alarm bells started to go off the energy surrounding all of the family was suffocating it took all my will power not to grab my daughter and run for the hills.

We were invited to join them in the garden so the children could play as the weather was hot and sunny, I took this chance to discreetly look spiritually within to see what was affecting this unfortunate family. What could cause such an effect on all of them? They seemed so despondent and the very air they breathed stung of hopelessness. My attention was drawn to the poor minister who at that precise moment focused his attention on me, it seemed that he was aware of what I was doing only it wasn't the ministers face I was looking at but that of an earthbound spirit. The spirit looked at me directly with what I can only describe as malicious humor and openly sneered at me, then proceeded to drain me like a battery.

It was unfortunate that I had not had time to protect myself and had to wait till I got home to undo the damage the spirit had done to my psyche.
Realization of what had happened began to dawn on me, the minister had at some time suffered from a breakdown a few years ago which had left him in such a weak state of mind that the earthbound spirit had no trouble possessing him this in turn had affected his whole family. My spiritual teacher at the time helped me to move the misguided spirit away from the minister and his family, allowing the whole family a chance to heal. Though it has to be said that they were never aware of what had occurred, though I think the minister on some level would have noticed a change within himself.

Friday, 25 November 2011


Firstly what do I term as a medium?  A medium is somebody who passes a message from spirit, there are three different ways in which a medium can receive messages from the spirit world. 

Clairaudience: Hearing spirit speak     Clairvoyance: Symbols & images from spirit     Clairsentient: Feeling and sensing spirit

As a medium myself I have found that it can be a different experience depending on who you are tuning in with in spirit in other words it can be any of the above.  It is necessary to tune yourself onto a higher level of vibration by use of meditation and opening your higher chakras this allows you to be open to messages from the spirit world. There are a few occasions where this is not possible for whatever reason they do not wish to send a message at this time, however communication through medium ship normally works and can be an inspirational experience. 

But for a few of us it gives us a chance to say goodbye to loved ones who have passed away and to tell them we love them or a personnel message. I can only speak from my own experiences that this can be a truly wonderful experience.

To find out more please look at Wikipedia/Mediumship

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

A book for life

Love is in the Earth

I thought it was about time I shared with you one of my favorite books that I have used over the years. As a healer I have from time to time used crystals to work with and also at home for my own personnel well being.

I thoroughly recommend this book as it is one of the best comprehensive reference books for metaphysical properties of stones and crystals I have ever worked with. It includes configurations, numerical vibrations, methodology and practical applications for crystals, auras and chakra definitions.

For further information about this book please visit Amazon

Monday, 21 November 2011

Candle to light the way

This year has been so challenging in so many ways for everyone I have been in contact with. I can only think that it is a great time of change and ultimately we will all reap the rewards we so richly deserve, however that may occur. Spiritually a time of rebirth into a new level of understanding not only of the world and the people who surround us in day to day life but facing our ultimate challenge. What you ask, why ourselves of course.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Fears and past lives

An awful lot has been written regarding fears and phobias over the last few years. We know the symptoms which lead to panic attacks and we know that repeated desensitisation to fear can gradually begin to rationalise the object of our fears.
However with many of us this fear is connected to a traumatic experience in a past life. Many of us old souls have more than one as they can build up if not dealt with at the time.
Which leads me to past life regression I have found this to be of great help not only with clients but with myself too. One of my clients had an irrational fear of not being in control because in a former life she was sold into slavery. Needless to say in that life she came to a sticky end, but has now identified where her fear has come from and gradually put it to rest.
Please contact me at:
for past life healing session.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Spirit Healing and Earthbound spirits

As mentioned previously in my post regarding hauntings, the most effective way to help spirit is not to command them to go to the light, but to reason with them concerning why they have chosen to remain here, while educating them as to where they should be. 

It’s important for me to make sure that the earthbound spirit is aware that their body has died, & that they are now in spirit. I like to do this, as some spirits seem to be panicked not knowing what is going on understanding the death of our own body is important as well as understanding that our spirit lives on . 

If you need me to help you with a haunting you can contact me by email at:

Home visits: £ 100.00 per session (West Dorset area only)
By phone: £ 80.00 per session

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Not the end of the world but the end of the world as we know it

The Mayan & Hopi Indians knew that this would be a time of transformation. How we transform is really up to us. We are given the choice of taking the path of acceptance through transition.
This in turn will determine how the world around us changes. This transition can be peaceful or cataclysmic depending on the choices we all make now, but change it will. I know which path I will choose, do you?

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Over the course of many years I have been contacted by clients & friends to work on energies that can at times cause problems with houses, work places and land.

This is not always to do with spirit & can be elemental in origin. Water for instance can at times be a real problem if your house has been built over underground streams or rivers.

However in some cases an earthbound spirit can become stuck & cause problems. These vary from just feeling that one room or place makes us feel uneasy or even ill depending on your levels of intuition. We must remember that if we wish this spirit to leave eventually that peace must be found so that the earth bound spirit can move forward to the light & inner peace. This can sometimes be a quick process or can take a few weeks depending on the situation which can at times be complex.

I can only say that in life we have the ability to choose where we wish to go with our life & when in spirit choices should be made available as well. These situations should be approached with compassion & deep spiritual love so as to help the earthbound spirit move forward.

I thought it important to share this with you as this has been a large part of my life & friends have encouraged me to write a few posts on these subjects. If you have any stories or problems regarding earthbound spirits please contact me for advice at:

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The dance of life

I am the sum of lives gone by
I am the wind that flies so high
I am the breaking wave that sighs
Each glowing ember in the sky
The sand that flows in endless time
Of stones that stand with gazing eyes
Standing memories of their guise
The heart within begins to rise
The drum a steady flow
Until I hear the beating tone
Echoes of the journey home
Reaching up the hands that call
The seed of life within us all
The gift of life begins to grow
As fingers reach to sunlight’s glow
The branching tree its arms embrace
The seasons swift and changing face
Brings gift of wisdoms grace
Leaving winters sleeping fold
I turn to summers warming hold
Entranced in daylights glowing charms
I sleep in summers golden arms
And I that am the firefly
Dance in the night into the sky
Into the light of heavens eye
The endless dance of life.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Sunday walk at Lewesdon Hill

Sunday I went for a special walk in one of Dorset's best kept secrets,  Lewesdon Hill.
Time stands still in this sacred place & each time I come back it always has a different feel & look to it.
Sacred spaces to meditate too are many, but a lone yew tree among the bracken was my choice & my only companions were the deer resting in the bracken.

Monday, 3 October 2011

My trip to Combe Martin North Devon

I thought that I would share with you the beauty of North Devon as I have just recently visited a dear friend there. The rawness of Devon's coastline from jagged rocks to tree lined cliffs was the view from my bedroom window, one I will miss not waking too each morning.
I came back home with an inner calmness which I shall endeavour to keep safe within me.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Traditional folk medicine

Though cure craft can not be described as "academic" it brings to life the history of folk medicine.
More than 75% of the population practise folk medicine in one form or another.
This book covers magico-medicine, medical divination, love potions, natural tonics & herbal cures.

If you would like to learn more please visit Amazon

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

Meditation - How to tune in with the energies that surround your being

First it is important to find where you feel most relaxed either indoors or in nature but let it be a safe haven where you can be undisturbed and at peace with yourself, then when sitting allow your whole body to relax starting from your head to your toes. Allow the peaceful energies that surround you to tune out the drifting thoughts in your head which will allow you to meditate on a deeper level.

Then starting with your crown chakra, slowly open as if it was a flower opening for the first time, then repeat with your second chakra, throat and heart chakra.

Photo by kind permission from TerLiMa
Once your higher chakras are open I would like you to imagine that you are in a special place put aside just for you and your healing guides. All is peace and standing in the centre will be yourself and the healing guides.You will begin to be aware that a vibrational energy is being emitted by your guides as if your body is a tuning fork allow yourself to be one with these energies it is a symbiotic process.If it helps you to visualise imagine that your body is a radio that isn't tuned in to the correct station so we have to adjust the knob to find the station you need in other words tune in and so it is with our soul bodies.We need to tune ourselves into the right frequency from a soul level. That is why your guides are there to help, you need to work as one with them.

Once you have achieved this and you will know intuitively you may thank your guides for their help and guidance. Slowly bring yourself out of your meditative state and close down your chakras, by slowly folding in the flower petals into a bud of each chakra. Do not worry if you have problems tuning in the first time next time you will be successful have faith in yourself and in your guides.There is no time limit on how long your meditation should last it is different for each of us just go with the flow towards harmony and inner peace.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Out with the old and in with the new

Many articles have been written over the years about cleansing our work & home enviroment.These vary widely, from crystals, to singing bowls, incense, etc..etc.
Though I find all of the above to be effective in one way or another I have to say that a good old de-clutter & house work, works every time. This allows energy to flow through your work and home, & lets the build-up
of negative energy flow out. Friends & colleagues have often remarked how welcoming my home & workplace feels, give it a go.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Moonlit walk

A poem I wrote after a 
meditation in the new forest in the 1990’s.

Moonlit Walk

Forest sounds unmask in moonlit calm
Of ancient times that sing their song
Their voices carried by each breeze
Unmask the nature of the trees
Whisper sweetly, whisper now
Lest we forget our earthly vow
Treading carefully, treading soft
We walk the paths that mans forgot
Until the voices hushed in awe
Unclose the meaning to us all
Divine in spirit, divine in place
Empowering each sacredness
Encircled by the forest deep
Our souls begin to dance and leap
And when the song begins to end
A silent song begins again
In harmonies that rise and fall
Each breath of life within us.