Friday, 6 January 2012

We are the sum of our lives

Many times I have been asked my opinion on how our unresolved problems are to do with reincarnation. To quote my Indian spirit guide "We are the sum of our lives” so as we carry a part of each of our lives with us so we carry our unresolved issues.

We don’t really need to explore who we were then because everything that is an issue in our lives today is what is left over from past through into the present. I know that sounds a bit Zen but sometimes we can over complicate the why and the where. There are times of course when it is needed because the circumstances surrounding our issues have been brought forward and escalate.

When this happens it’s because in a past life we suffered or were affected by deep tragedy. So to cut a long story short if we deal with our issues in the now we will succeed in moving forward as the person we know and want to be.


Kaufmann said...

You have very nice pictures here in the blog but I do not believe quite what you say sorry.

Anna said...

Thank you for your comment.It's nice to hear all points of view.

Anonymous said...

I think it`s a street in Germany-Meck Pom or Brandenburg?!