Tuesday 25 October 2011


Over the course of many years I have been contacted by clients & friends to work on energies that can at times cause problems with houses, work places and land.

This is not always to do with spirit & can be elemental in origin. Water for instance can at times be a real problem if your house has been built over underground streams or rivers.

However in some cases an earthbound spirit can become stuck & cause problems. These vary from just feeling that one room or place makes us feel uneasy or even ill depending on your levels of intuition. We must remember that if we wish this spirit to leave eventually that peace must be found so that the earth bound spirit can move forward to the light & inner peace. This can sometimes be a quick process or can take a few weeks depending on the situation which can at times be complex.

I can only say that in life we have the ability to choose where we wish to go with our life & when in spirit choices should be made available as well. These situations should be approached with compassion & deep spiritual love so as to help the earthbound spirit move forward.

I thought it important to share this with you as this has been a large part of my life & friends have encouraged me to write a few posts on these subjects. If you have any stories or problems regarding earthbound spirits please contact me for advice at: annaspirithealing@hotmail.co.uk

Thursday 20 October 2011

Wednesday 19 October 2011

The dance of life

I am the sum of lives gone by
I am the wind that flies so high
I am the breaking wave that sighs
Each glowing ember in the sky
The sand that flows in endless time
Of stones that stand with gazing eyes
Standing memories of their guise
The heart within begins to rise
The drum a steady flow
Until I hear the beating tone
Echoes of the journey home
Reaching up the hands that call
The seed of life within us all
The gift of life begins to grow
As fingers reach to sunlight’s glow
The branching tree its arms embrace
The seasons swift and changing face
Brings gift of wisdoms grace
Leaving winters sleeping fold
I turn to summers warming hold
Entranced in daylights glowing charms
I sleep in summers golden arms
And I that am the firefly
Dance in the night into the sky
Into the light of heavens eye
The endless dance of life.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Sunday walk at Lewesdon Hill

Sunday I went for a special walk in one of Dorset's best kept secrets,  Lewesdon Hill.
Time stands still in this sacred place & each time I come back it always has a different feel & look to it.
Sacred spaces to meditate too are many, but a lone yew tree among the bracken was my choice & my only companions were the deer resting in the bracken.

Monday 3 October 2011

My trip to Combe Martin North Devon

I thought that I would share with you the beauty of North Devon as I have just recently visited a dear friend there. The rawness of Devon's coastline from jagged rocks to tree lined cliffs was the view from my bedroom window, one I will miss not waking too each morning.
I came back home with an inner calmness which I shall endeavour to keep safe within me.