Thursday 12 July 2012


Spirit Healing will be back online in five days time. With new posts and information I hope will inspire you to leave your comments. Till then, take care, will be back soon.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

New information on Spirit Healing services

Spirit healing services will not be available for the next three months .
Sorry for the inconvenance this may cause love and light to you all.

Thursday 3 May 2012


Recently I went to visit Mapperton Gardens in Dorset. The history of this area is somewhat unusual in that the entire village of Mapperton was devastated by plague in 1660. Leaving no survivors and the tenements were pulled down. The numbers in Mapperton village have remained almost unchanged since the 17th century.

As I entered the village which is tiny, I can honestly say that I have never been in a place so haunted as Mapperton. It is an intense experience as you are aware that not just one building is affected but the whole village including Mapperton Manor House itself. Certainly the expression "we are not alone" comes to mind I think this must be one of the most haunted places in England.

Later when walking around the Manor house gardens, I felt a presence by an ornamental pond. When I turned, there was a lady with two small children dressed in period costume. I could feel their presence as I continued my tour through the gardens. It felt as if they were watching me as much as I was watching them. This is a very special place which is a must to visit.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Auguries of Innocense

To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.

by William Blake

Friday 6 April 2012


Easter is upon us again and more than ever it symbolizes a time of rebirth when we move forward and leave the past behind us in a sense we will be reborn, empowered and free to live our lives and be true to who we really are and who we want to be.

Thursday 5 April 2012

The Purity Of Gold

Gold comes in many forms but the rarest form occurs in quartz crystal which is rare and beautiful. The colour ranges from deep golden yellow, silvery white and an orange-red.

Gold symbolizes the purity of spirit, allowing us to obtain a communion with the source of being. The energy from gold allows our inner beauty to open and unfold through life’s journey. Gold has been used in development, balance and purification, and works well with the heart chakra and third eye.

Works well with the astrological sign of Leo.

Medical applications: Rejuvenation of endocrine system, absorption of vitamins and minerals, skeletal structure. It can help to balance the right brain/left brain with conditions such as autism, epilepsy, dyslexia and physical coordination.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Ghosts, Phantom Hounds of Wistmans Wood, Devon

In Wistman Woods it is said that the Yeth Hounds still haunt these ancient woods. Others have encountered monks in white robes in a funeral procession. Twisted oaks hundreds of years old have survived in this woodland, which may have been used by druids as a place of worship. It's name itself derives from the local word "whisht" which means "eerie". If you come to Devon and wish to visit this area it can only be reached by footpath as there is no direct access.